What can Homeopathy Treat
Acute diseases like
Cholera, typhoid fever, food poisoning, influenza, appendicitis, pneumonia, meningitis, sepsis, pharyngitis, whooping cough, cholecystitis, Dengue fever, malaria, acute concussions and chronic post-concussive symptoms, asthma, UTI’s, heat stroke, infected wounds, styes, infant colic, otitis media, tonsillitis, etc.
Chronic diseases like
Migraines, PMS/menstrual symptoms, asthma, goiter/thyroid issues, eczema & other skin conditions, neurological diseases, seizure disorders, behavioral disorders, anxiety and depressive disorders, sleep disorders, musculoskeletal issues, pulmonary and cardiac diseases, liver and GI syndromes and diseases, kidney and reproductive issues, etc.
The History of Homeopathy…..
Homeopathy is far superior to allopathic medicine (Pharmacological drugs) in that they have no dangerous or lasting side effects, and they actually cure disease, when given properly.
If there are presenting symptoms, homeopathy has a good chance of relieving or curing the disease.
Infants, Toddlers & Children
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This Form of Treatment, will Change your Perspective of Medicine
Our Consultations
Acute case consultation (30-60 minutes duration)– An acute case is appropriate when you are experiencing acute or sub-acute, self limiting symptoms of a short duration, usually hours to days. In some cases, a few weeks.
The symptoms gathered during the consultation include: onset and exciting cause (grief, anger, weather change, loss of job, food poisoning, etc.), location of symptoms, sensation/quality of pain, modalities (what makes each symptom better or worse), concomitants (ie- watering eyes with the headache, weeping during coughing, or perspiration with the pain), and your constitution/temperament.
A single remedy is then given for the totality of your presenting symptoms and a follow up will be needed within 1-3 days, depending on the presenting condition and severity of symptoms.
Chronic case consultation (90-120 minutes duration)– A chronic condition is appropriate when you have long standing symptoms of several months or more, that are not self limiting. Regardless of whether you’ve been officially diagnosed with one or multiple diagnoses, misdiagnosed, or not diagnosed at all, homeopathy can help.
During the consultation for a chronic condition time is taken to understand each and all symptoms in totality, what may have been the onset (childhood trauma, loss of a loved one, inherited disposition, an accident, etc.), sleep patterns, fears/phobias, food preferences/aversions, modalities that alleviate and aggravate your symptoms, and any patterns that might be homeopathically relevant.
A single remedy is then given based on the totality of your chronic symptoms. A follow up is then needed within 2-3 weeks, in order to be sure the right remedy was selected, and a therapeutic response is occurring.